Frida Kahlo / Day of the Dead
Garden Mural, Swindon 

I had SO much fun with this one - the client gave me a pretty open brief (Frida, Mexico, street art style, please include bright yellow and bright pink) - and I was able to go off and design and paint freely from there.  Fab!  

Plus I had 2 doggie assistants, and you know how much I love the jobs with doggos :)

Timelapse video is at the bottom of the page, as usual.

This is a tricky mural to get a photo of the whole thing, as the wall is over 6m wide and goes down the path behind the garage in the corner - so I had to use a wide angle lens, which distorts poor Frida's nose a bit! But you get the jist :)

The close ups below show it in better proportion:

The garage had a really funky mirror on it, so forgive me for getting a bit artsy fartsy:

These earrings were a right royal pain to paint, especially on breeze block!! :D  But well worth the extra time spent on them, as Frida just wouldn't be Frida without her flashy jewellery

Timelapse video: