Greenbridge Underpass
Public mural - Swindon 

Ooof -  this was a biggie!!!  In fact at 775 square feet (or 72.5 square meters for you metric fans), it's easily the biggest mural I've painted to date.

Big thanks to my local parish council for trusting me to deliver on such a big, bold and public canvas.

It was an absolute pleasure to paint down the underpass every evening for a few weeks, and chat to all the friendly passers by - Stratton St Margaret is a lovely little community (I would say that, as it's where I live :) ), and everyone was super positive about the artwork.

The ladies all represent different gemstones, L:R

🔵 Tanzanite

🟣 Amethyst

🟢 Jade

🔴 Ruby

🔵 Sapphire

🟡 Topaz

🔴 Garnet

🟢 Aquamarine 

Beyond that, not much in the way of deep meaning to this one, I just figured people might appreciate some pretty, smiling faces to look at on their way to work, school or the shops :) 

Not the easiest to photograph, as it is so long, the video gives a better overview:

Walk through video:

Each face in order - sideways as they appear in the mural, and upright so you can see them properly without having to tilt your head :)

And as usual, me for scale: