Unicorn and Dinos Playroom Mural

This mural was SO MUCH FUN.

Dinosaurs πŸ¦•, unicorns πŸ¦„ and bunnies 🐰, oh my!!

Honestly, I wish all clients were 5 year old little girls: "and we need a rainbow, and a unicorn, and the unicorn must have magic sparkles, oh and a bunny! We need a bunny!! And dinosaurs for my little brother!!...." πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

The mural was designed to work around the furniture in this lovely bright playroom. With "easter eggs" like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that the children will be able to reveal to their friends by pulling out a drawer, etc.

You all know me and how much I love bright colours, I was absolutely in my element with this one 🌈

Timelapse video is at the bottom of the page.

with the furniture back in place

Before - all prepped and ready to go

And the traditional photo with me for scale, pointy pointy :)

Timelapse video: