War of the Worlds
camper van

Every now and then, a painting commission comes along that is SO in line with my own interests, I get super excited!

Those of you that know me know that I'm a sci fi geek - and I've also been itching to paint a vehicle, as it makes a change from walls, and it's something I've not had the opportunity to do up until now.

So - can I paint a War of the Worlds themed camper van???? 100% yes please!! :D

After the photos you'll find a time lapse video of the full painting process.


Close ups:

And just to prove my War of the Worlds geek bonafides, here's the time 6 years or so ago that I got the sudden urge to make a Martian out of stuff I had lying around the house, and take him on a tour round Woking to visit all the key locations in the book :D :

Timelapse video: